Passionate about technology and computers since my youngest age, I spent 5 years studying these at EPITA (from 2009 to 2014). I spend most of my free time working on various projects, in order to learn new things, consolidate and sharing my knowledge and follow the new technologies.
I believe in Open Source and share most of my side projects on GitHub.
Software developer
Mediaclip, Montréal, Canada. Backend development.
- - Designing and developing new features with the team
- - Keep the system working in Azure and update the infrastructure as needed to keep the system fast and optimize costs
- - Maintain and update the system following the evolving best practice of the moment
Software engineer
Groupe Citypassenger, Montréal, Canada, developing a new solution of smart router for companies.
CitypassengerTeaching assistant
EPITA, Kremlin-Bicètre, Helping third-year-students at EPITA, answering questions and preparing weekly projects.
EPITAAI / Gameplay developer
Eugen Systems, Paris, AI/Gameplay Team, internship of 5 months working on the AI and interface of Wargame: European Escalation.
Eugen SystemsC/C++ Developer
Orange lab, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, Security Operating Center, development of tools to list all intern computers that can be viewed from the internet and checking their security / integrity.
2009-2014Master's degree in Computer Science Engineering. EPITA, Kremlin-Bicêtre, France. IT Engineering School.
Side projects
See GitHub for my latest active projects
Rider plugin to add support for Specflow (Syntax coloration, completion, references etc...)
Developing a webapp to manage character's sheets of Naheulbeuk's RPG
Naheulbook Sources Naheulbeuk's RPGOld / Abandoned projects

French Native
English Proficient
Development C, C#, Java, TypeScript
DevOps NGINX, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker
Database MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server
Versionning Git, Mercurial, Subversion
Scripting Javascript, Typescript, Powershell, Bash
IDE Jetbrains IDEs (Rider, Webstorm, ...)
Editors Vim, VS Code
Interests / Hobbies
New technologies | Video games | Cinema | MP3 Saga | RPG | Sharing and expanding my knowledgeContact
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